Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Jam vs Honey

This is for Lloyd...or any other weirdo who chooses Honey over Jam to put on a peanut butter sandwich and if you are one of them then you are a retard. It says so right in this picture.

The PB.

If you're a peanut butter lover like I am then you would agree that peanut butter is a spread that whispers, "I love you" everyime you open the lid. If you have not heard the whispers then that proves that you don't appreciate peanut butter as much as I do.

Wednesday, 16 April 2008


Just some doodles I doodled up. Started out drawing Mickey Mouse and it ended up into this little guy. He's cute. I like his hat.

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

God Creates Adam.

I still have yet to see the Sistine Chapel...so until then I get to enjoy my version of 'God Creates Adam' starring the Human Beans. :) CREATED!!!!!!!....with acrylic. WOO!


Oh how I wish I could fly. :(


Your fat...enjoy!


Another doodle. :)